
How To Get Out Of a Bad Mood

Sometimes there are days where I just don’t feel good for no good reason! It could be influenced by anything from lack of sleep or exercise, to lack of direction with my goals or schedule.

At times like this, it’s incredibly easy to just wallow in your grumpy, irritable mood. But that doesn’t make you feel any better! 

I’ve found a good way to help get myself out of this mood, so try this next time you feel this way, too:

  • Sit down with a pen and paper.
  • Write down dot points answering this question: “What are my main problems right now? What is causing me to feel bad?”
  • Go through each point, and write down what the SOLUTION would be to this problem.
  • Write down steps to take in order to make this solution possible.
  • If the solution is not possible or is out of your hands, you’re going to have to focus on letting go of that problem, as it will be wasted energy stressing over something you can’t control!

Working this way will teach you how to mentally work your way out of a bad day. After all, a bad day isn’t a bad day - it’s just a bad attitude! Only you allow a day to be bad. It’s all a matter of perspective!

What to do When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

If you find you’re feeling overwhelmed because you know you have SO much to do, but you can’t seem to get a grip over what needs to be done, I recommend trying this:

🔲 Sit down with a pen and paper. TURN OFF ALL DISTRACTIONS just for the moment - that includes watching any kind of TV, putting your phone away or on silent, and even turning off music (or maybe listen to background music to drown out any loud noises in your environment).

🔲 Think about what it is you need to do - start with the biggest, most obvious things. I find once I start thinking about and writing those down, then many of the little things I need to do will come to me. Write those down as well.

🔲 For the large goals, break them down into several smaller, easier steps. Not only will this make it clearer just HOW to achieve those larger goals - which will make you feel more in control - but it will also bring you much more satisfaction when you’re able to tick off each step. If you just write down one large goal, you’ll get frustrated when you’ll be working all day and still haven’t ticked anything off - you’ll feel like you’re getting nowhere.

🔲 Next, think about which of these points need to be addressed immediately, and which aren’t so urgent. Either keep a note of this order in your head, or re-write all of your goals and steps in order. Then, as you review this list, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done next. 🙂