
An Exciting Update!

I’ve been a little quiet lately, but for good reason. I’ve been spending my free time planning for a big change in my life.

Have you ever had a dream goal of how you’d spend your life, and you’re constantly trying to work yourself closer to that goal, but it still always feels like it’s some kind of distant fantasy that will forever be a “one day” situation, never a “today”?

Well, very soon, my “one day” will become a “today”!

Creating and spreading positivity are what I feel that I cannot be happy without. Soon, I will be able to bring these priorities to the forefront of my life, and focus all of my energy on! All of the time I’ve spent researching and planning over the past year and a half, will finally get put into motion.

Great things are in store, and I know deep down that this is where my passions lie. I am more determined than ever to create a fulfilling life for myself, and to spread positivity to whoever I can!

Stay tuned over the next few months for when things finally start getting put in motion!

How To Get Out Of a Bad Mood

Sometimes there are days where I just don’t feel good for no good reason! It could be influenced by anything from lack of sleep or exercise, to lack of direction with my goals or schedule.

At times like this, it’s incredibly easy to just wallow in your grumpy, irritable mood. But that doesn’t make you feel any better! 

I’ve found a good way to help get myself out of this mood, so try this next time you feel this way, too:

  • Sit down with a pen and paper.
  • Write down dot points answering this question: “What are my main problems right now? What is causing me to feel bad?”
  • Go through each point, and write down what the SOLUTION would be to this problem.
  • Write down steps to take in order to make this solution possible.
  • If the solution is not possible or is out of your hands, you’re going to have to focus on letting go of that problem, as it will be wasted energy stressing over something you can’t control!

Working this way will teach you how to mentally work your way out of a bad day. After all, a bad day isn’t a bad day - it’s just a bad attitude! Only you allow a day to be bad. It’s all a matter of perspective!


Just like any other skill, confidence comes with practise. Of course, (like any other skill) there are the people who are born with the “talent” - meaning they were seemingly born confident, and have been that way for their entire lives.

And then there are the people who have to work for it. There’s no simple fix to become confident. It takes consistency - of continuously telling yourself that you’re worth it, and saying “fuck it” to what people think. There will always be the bad days when you’ll be feeling down and unmotivated and unsure of yourself, and it’s then that you must choose whether to succumb to those negative thoughts, or whether to push through and keep telling yourself it’s fine and you’re worth it. The more often you tell yourself that, the more often you’ll believe it!!


What A Year! Excited for the Future

Well, I’m just about finished with my first year of my first full time job! It’s crazy how long it took to really sort myself out, like my personal schedule - with exercise, and fitting in my own time for creativity... kicking myself in the buns to get disciplined with it all, as to be able to fit all of that stuff in - while working full time - requires a lot of scheduling, staying organised, and being disciplined!

Sydney Harbour, with the Opera House in sight, from the International Passenger Terminal in Circular Quay, from where we had our work Christmas party :)

I’m so excited for 2017 - to take all the things I've learnt this year, and the growth I've experienced, and to kick off next year running! I've spent the last few months of 2016 figuring out what kind of scheduling will work for me - whilst still working full time - to feel satisfied that I'm doing all that I can to achieve the most I can! Time for that HUSTLE and GRIND!

Food at the work Christmas party! Not that I ate any though, it was too difficult, and there were too many people...

I’m going to focus on working on my own creative projects daily, including (but not limited to) drawing, painting, photography, filming, writing, and documenting parts of my life and my work throughout all of that :) I'll only really have 30-60 minutes a day to do that, but that's fine by me! It's still better than 0 minutes a day, and I'm so excited for the growth I'll experience just from being consistent! After all, that's what it takes to grow: consistency! :D

So keep your eyes peeled for the content I'll be posting throughout all social media platforms that I'm on, they're linked at the top of my website.

I hope you all had a great 2016 too, and if not, then all the more reason to work twice as hard at making 2017 that much greater! Stay positive my friends, as if you do that then you'll be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to! 

I'll end this with a silly photos of me and my outfit at the work Christmas party! Happy Christmas and Happy New Year, everybaaaaday! ^_^